
This article describes how you can use your own certificate for the webinterface on a GS-3xxx series switch.



1) Open the configuration of the GS-3xxx switch in a web browser, go to the menu Security → Auth Method and, under Authentication Method select the option no in the dropdownmenu for the protocol https. In doing so HTTPS is deactivated. 

After deactivating HTTPS, an automatic redirect to HTTP occurs. If this is not the case, please connect manually to the switch via HTTP.

2) Click Apply, to accept the change.

3) Go to the menu Security → Management → HTTPS, modify the following parameters and click Apply:

4) Once again go to the menu Security → Auth Method and, under Authentication Method select the option local in the dropdownmenu for https. In doing so HTTPS is reactivated.

5) Finally click Apply to accept the change.