
When a lot of sites have to be created or updated in the LANCOM management Cloud, this can take a lot of time, if it has to be done manually. To optimize this process, site information can be entered in a CSV file and imported into the LMC.

This article describes how to create or update sites in the LMC by means of using a CSV file.

Networks must have already been created in the LMC in order for the CSV import to work. The network information contained in the CSV file only supports updating existing networks.  



1) Preparing the CSV file:

1.1) Download the CSV file under the following link. It contains all available parameters for the site import as well as several example entries for better understanding. The example file therefore is a good base for the creation of your own CSV files for importing sites into the LMC.

1.2) Delete the example entries and enter your site information. The available parameters are described as follows. For the sake of clarity these are structured into several topic areas.

Only the Site Name is mandatory, all other parameters are optional.

If a parameter is not used, the label NOT_IN_USE has to be entered in the respective field. 

If a site contains several networks and these networks should be updated, a separate table row with the same Site Name has to be created for each network

2) Importing the CSV file into the LMC:

2.1) Connect to the LMC and go to the menu Sites → CSV import.

2.2) Select the CSV file with the sites prepared in step 1), change the Encoding to match the format of the CSV file if needed and click Upload

2.3) The Validation is performed automatically and the Validation Results are shown. Click Import sites afterwards.

2.4) The Import is performed automatically and status information is shown in the Results page. Click Close afterwards.

2.5) This concludes the import process. The sites can now be used in the LMC.