
Due to new features completely new menus as well as new columns for existing menus are implemented in new firmware versions. The changes have been factored in and are converted during a firmware upgrade, so that the correct functionality is still given. If a firmware downgrade to an older LCOS version is conducted afterwards (e.g. 10.40 Rel to 10.32 RU10), the conversion isn't reversed and it may happen that some configuration components don't work correctly anymore.

This article describes the recommended procedure for a firmware downgrade which ensures the correct functionality.


After a firmware downgrade a configuration backup of the old firmware has to be uploaded (e.g. when downgrading from firmware 10.40 Rel to 10.32 RU10 a configuration backup of 10.32 RU10 has to be uploaded).

When downgrading the firmware within an LCOS version (e.g. 10.32 RU10 to 10.32 RU8) the configuration backup doesn't have to be uploaded.

Configuration backup via LANconfig:

LANconfig automatically creates a configuration backup during a firmware upgrade and when configuration changes are made. You can find these in the path C:\Users\<Username>\AppData\Roaming\LANCOM\LANconfig\Config.

You can adjust the backup path in LANconfig in the menu Extras → Options → Backup.

As an alternative you can also manually create a configuration backup before upgrading the firmware via the context menu of the device (Configuration Management → Save as File).

Configuration backup via WEBconfig:

If you are using WEBconfig, the configuration backup has to be created manually before upgrading the firmware in the menu Extras → File management → Save Configuration.