
When you create a new user for the Public Spot option, a voucher is created and this can be printed on any type of printer. The use of a receipt printer is recommended thanks to the size of the device, the size of the printout, and the printing speed.
You need to allow for the settings such as the paper size.


An Epson TM-T88IV receipt printer connected to a computer via USB is taken as an example. The LANtools and LCOS version have to be at least version 8.0.

Before connecting the printer, the drivers need to be installed and a number settings have to be changed.

First, the left border needs to be reduced:

==> Properties -> Printer -> General -> Printer settings -> Layout -> Adjust print position.
==> Set the horizontal alignment to -10 mm.

The paper feed must also be changed in the printer settings:

==> Printer properties -> General -> Printer settings -> Document settings
==> Change the paper source to Custom and adjust the "Page end" setting for paper feed to match "Document end".

In order to avoid printing out a complete page you must suppress the printing of page headers and footers in the browser you use. For example, in "Firefox" you can find these settings under

==> File -> Page setup -> Margins & Header/Footer.

Voucher template:

The customized voucher template is available in the Knowledge Base for download.


The HTML template as well as any desired graphics file (here 220*50 pixels) can be uploaded to the LANCOM device via your web browser.


In order to use the template you designed for printing vouchers, the file needs to be stored on the router:

==> Public-Spot -> Server -> Settings -> Page table

Using files saved on USB:

If the template page should be accessed on a USB stick, it has to be referenced as follows:

To load the template image into the HTML page from the USB stick, the HTML reference is as follows:

Important! In this case you specify the local IP address of the device