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This document provides an overview of the elements and tags used by the Public Spot templates. LANCOM devices are able to interpret these and dynamically insert values and messages into a template.

The individual elements use different preceding expressions "pbelem" and "pblink". Each element can be used with the expression "pbelem" and with "pblink".
The difference is that the expression "pbelem" inserts a value into a page as pure text, whereas "pblink" creates a text with a link to a web page.

  • <pblink origlink>Click here to open the page</pblink> (this creates a text link to a page)

  • <pbelem origlink> (the link to a page is only displayed as text)

Element Feature Example
<pbelem voucherimg> This element inserts the header image into a page. <h1>LANCOM Systems Public Spot page template</h1>
<pbelem voucherimg>
<h2>Sample Start Page</h2>
<pbelem loginform> This element inserts the default login form (username and password) into a page.
<pbelem loginemailform> When using the Smart Ticket function, this element inserts the login form for entering an e-mail address and password into a page.
<pbelem loginsmsform> When using the Smart Ticket function, this element inserts the login form for entering a telephone number and password into a page.
<pbelem regemailform> When using the Smart Ticket function, this element inserts the registration form for entering an e-mail address into a page.
<pbelem regsmsform> When using the Smart Ticket function, this element inserts the registration form for entering a telephone number into a page.
<pbelem loginerrormsg> This element displays login-related error messages on a page.
<pbelem servermsg> This element displays RADIUS-server messages on a page.
<pbelem sessionstatus> This element displays the current status of the usage of your Public Spot. Current status: <pbelem sessionstatus>
<pbelem userid> This element displays your user ID. User identifier: <pbelem userid>
<pbelem sessiontime> This element shows how long you have been accessing your Public Spot. Usage time: <pbelem sessiontime>
<pbelem sesstimeout> If the Public Spot has been configured with a limit on access time, this element displays when your Public Spot access expires.

Since the configuration of a time limit is optional, this element of the LANCOM templates is enclosed in the conditional container <pbcond> (see example).
<pbcond sesstimeout>
Your access expires in: <pbelem sesstimeout>
<pbelem rxbytes> This element shows how much data (in bytes) was sent when using the Public Spot. Sent data (in bytes): <pbelem rxbytes>
<pbelem txbytes> This element shows how much data (in bytes) was received when using the Public Spot. Received data (in bytes): <pbelem txbytes>
<pbelem vollimit> If a maximum transfer volume is specified for a Public-Spot access, this element indicates how much data (in bytes) is still available until the access can no longer be used.

Since the configuration of a transfer volume limit is optional, this element of the LANCOM templates is enclosed in the conditional container <pbcond> (see example).
<pbcond vollimit>
Remaining transfer volume (in bytes): <pbelem vollimit>
<pbelem autoprint> This element opens the print dialog of your operating system to print out a Public Spot voucher.
<pbelem comment> This element displays a comment that was inserted when a voucher was created on a page.
<pbelem fallbackerrormsg> This element displays the error message after a fallback.
<pbelem rxtxbytes> This element displays the sum of transmitted and received data (in bytes).
<pbelem redirurl> This element displays the redirect URL. It can also be used as a "pblink".
<pbelem apaddr> This element displays the local IP address of the Public Spot access point.
<pbelem accountend> This element shows when a user's account ends.
<pbelem ssid> This element displays the Public Spot SSID.
<pbcond (element-name)></pbcond> If elements and values are only to be displayed if they have been configured in the configuration of the LANCOM Public Spot, these elements are enclosed by this conditional container. <pbcond servermsg>
<b><pbelem servermsg></b><p><!-- Output of the RADIUS server message (if available) -->
<pblink loginlink>TEXT</pblink> Use this element to create a link to a login page.
<pblink helplink>TEXT</pblink> Use this element to create a link to a help page (e.g. the template "hilfe.htm").
<pblink origlink>TEXT</pblink> With this element you can create a link to manually invoke a page that should otherwise be invoked automatically. Click <pblink origlink> here </pblink> if you are not forwarded within 10 seconds.
<pblink statuslink>TEXT</pblink> Use this element to create a link to a status page. Click <pblink statuslink>here</pblink> to access the status/logout page.
<pblink logofflink>TEXT</pblink> Use this element to create a link that a registered user can use to logout from the Public Spot. Click <pblink logofflink>here</pblink> to log out.

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