
The WAN MAC address generated for the LANCOM router depends on the method set under Configuration -> Communication -> Remote sites (DSL) -> MAC address type.

  • In the Global mode, the WAN connection uses the LANCOM router's LAN MAC address. This can give rise to problems if all of the interfaces on a device are operated on the same switch
  • In User-defined mode, the user is able to enter any MAC address
  • In the Local mode (default), the WAN MAC address of the LANCOM router is generated on the basis of the LAN MAC address. Although this address is not displayed at the command line (Telnet/SSH), it is possible to calculate the value:

      The generated MAC address is calculated from the LAN MAC address with a change to the second figure. The system starts with "2" and continues in steps of 4.


      LAN MAC: 00A057...
      WAN MAC: 02A057...
      2nd WAN MAC: 06A057...
      3rd WAN MAC: 0AA057...