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This document describes how to set up IPv6 NTPv6/NAT66 and Unique Local Addresses (ULAs) on LANCOM routers.



It is assumed that a working IPv6 internet connection has been established.


  • The Internet provider delegates a static or dynamic IPv6 prefix with length /48 or /56.
  • Unique Local Addresses (ULAs)* are to be used in the local network.
  • The router performs a prefix NAT between ULAs in the LAN and the public provider prefix and translates the addresses of the clients from the prefix fd00::/64 to the public prefix.
  • If the provider prefix is changed, the internal ULA prefix does not change.
  • The IPv6 ULAs are also available without an Internet connection.

*) ULAs are defined in IPv6 as private addresses from the range fc00::/7 that are not routed on the Internet and can be used in private networks.


By default, a blocking route exists for IPv6 ULA addresses. If LANCOM access points or downstream routers (router cascade) are to be used in the LAN, the ULA blocking route in the IPv6 routing table (in the menu IP Router → Routing → IPv6 Routing Table) must be deleted on these devices.


1. Open the configuration with LANconfig and edit the configuration for the entry INTRANET in the menu IPv6 → Router Advertisement → Interface Options.

2. Activate the sending of router advertisements and set the announcement as default router to "Always".

3. Edit the table entry for INTRANET under IPv6 → Router Advertisement → Prefix list. If necessary, delete an existing table entry and create a new entry.

Configure the following values:

  • Interface name: INTRANET
  • Prefix: fd00::/64
  • Subnet ID: 0
  • Receive prefix from: leave the value blank

4. Create a new entry in the Firewall/QoS → IPv6 Rules → NPTv6 table.

Configure the following values:

  • Interface name: INTERNET (or name of the Internet connection)
  • Source prefix: Configure the IPv6 LAN prefix used here, i.e. fd00::/64
  • Mapped prefix: Enter ::/64 to automatically determine the provider prefix and convert the LAN prefix to this.

5. In the menu IP Router → Routing → IPv6 Routing Table, make sure that an IPv6 default route is available.

6. Write the configuration back to the LANCOM router. The configuration is now complete.