Versionen im Vergleich


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  • Type: Select the option VLAN.
  • VLAN: From the drop-down menu, select the VLAN to be used for routing.
  • Routing Mode: The routing for the interface can be activated or deactivated here. Choose the option Enable.
  • Admin Mode: The routing for the VLAN can be globally activated or deactivated here. Choose the option Enable.
  • IP Address Configuration Method: Choose the option Manual so that a fixed IP address can be assigned. This is necessary for the routing to work.
  • IP address: Enter an IPv6 IP address that the switch should use on the VLAN. The switch will be addressed under this IP address.
  • Subnet mask: Enter the subnet mask for the related network.


5) Switch to the menu Routing → Router → Configured Routes and click Addt to  to create a default route.

6) Modify the following parameters and then click Submit:
