Versionen im Vergleich


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The LANCOM devices of the R-88x series (e.g. LANCOM R-883+) are limited to a maximum of three simultaneous VPN channels as standard.

This document describes how you can expand the number of simultaneous VPN connections to 5 or a maximum of 25 channels.


  • LANCOM Router der of the R-88x Serieseries
  • LCOS as of version 10.20 (download)
  • Telekom Enterprise Option (Sales sold through Deutsche Telekom)
  • LANCOM VPN 25 Option


After the expansion with the "Enterprise Option", the functional scope of your router changes to the following additional functions:

  • 16 ARF contexts (default: 2)
  • 5 VPN channels (default: 3)
  • BGP is activated
