Versionen im Vergleich


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The local and remote identifiers must not match!

The Advanced VPN Client transmits the remote identity as an E-Mail address (ID_RFC822_ADDR). If the @ symbol isn't used in the remote identity, the Unified Firewall can't identify the identity type and the VPN connection can't be established. To enforce the use of the identity type E-Mail it is possible to use the string email: before the identity (e.g. email:home).

1.7) Click the icon to create a new VPN host.


1.12) Change to the menu VPN → IPsec → Connections and click on the button Export this Connection


If necessary, click on the "double arrow" symbol to toggle in the detailed view where the button for profile export is located.

Image Added

1.13) Assign an Archive Password to encrypt the exported Zip archive.
