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This document describes the options for error analysis for VoIP configurations.
Example traces with an explanation can be found in the following Knowledge Base articles:


1) Check whether the SIP lines are registered with the provider:
1.1) Use the command ls /Status/Voice-Call-Manager/Line at the command line to output the status list of the configured SIP lines.
The most interesting columns here are Reg-status, Reg-state and Line-status.
In the interests of clarity, the following figure shows a Line table in WEBconfig.

2) Check whether SIP, analog and/or ISDN users are registered:
2.1) Use the command ls /Status/Voice-Call-Manager/User at the command line to output the status list of the configured SIP, analog and ISDN users.
In the interests of clarity, the following figure shows a User table in WEBconfig.

3) Check that calls are being routed to the correct lines:
3.1) Use the command ls /Status/Voice-Call-Manager/Calls at the command line to output the status list of all of the calls made.
The most interesting columns here are the From_Line and the Dest-Line. Here you can see which SIP line was used to route which internal user line (SIP, ANALOG or ISDN).
In the interests of clarity, the following figure shows a Call table in WEBconfig.

4) Perform traces for troubleshooting and analysis:
For further analysis create a trace in the error state by using the tool LANtracer. The procedure to record traces with a prefabricated trace configuration is described in this Knowledge Base article.
4.1) Telephony problems when using the SIP-ALG:

View file

4.2) Telephony problems with an ISDN / Analog / SIP client as well as other telephony problems (e.g. problems during call setup or terminating calls):

View file

4.3) Recording a Wireshark trace of the Internet connection as well as from the local network (additionally required):
When the following problems occur an additional Wireshark trace has to be recorded of the Internet connection as well as from the local network, where the SIP user is located. The procedure is described in this Knowledge Base article.
  • One-sided voice transmission
  • Missing voice transmission

The Wireshark traces have to be recorded with the tool LCOScap as the latency with this tool is lower, than Wireshark traces recorded via WEBconfig!

5) Sending the gathered information to LANCOM Support:

If the problem cannot be solved with the steps provided in this article, please contact LANCOM Support with the following information: 

  • Informations regarding the provider and the booked telephony product
  • Time, when the error occured
  • Involved telephone numbers
  • Trace recorded in the error state with the attached trace configuration (*.lct file) 
  • Current configuration file of the router (*.spf file)
  • Additional Wireshark trace in some cases (see step 4.3)
