Versionen im Vergleich


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In some cases, two sites may be using the same IP address range. To enable VPN communications between these sites, communication via the VPN tunnel must be masked behind a different IP address range. This is implemented on a Unified Firewall with the help of NETMAP. In contrast to source NAT, both sides can access resources in the other target network.


1.1.1) Set up the IKEv2 connection at the Headquarters using one of the following Knowledge Base articles:

1.1.2) When configuring the VPN connection, go to the Tunnels tab and adjust the Local Networks and Remote Networks as follows:


2.1.1) Set up the IKEv2 connection at the Branch office using one of the following Knowledge Base articles:

2.1.2) When configuring the VPN connection, go to the Tunnels tab and adjust the Local Networks and Remote Networks as follows:


1.1.1) On the Unified Firewall at the Headquarters, set up the IKEv2 connection to Branch office 2 using one of the following Knowledge Base articles:

1.1.2) When configuring the VPN connection, go to the Tunnels tab and adjust the Local Networks and Remote Networks as follows:


3.1.1) Set up the IKEv2 connection on the Unified Firewall at Branch office 2 using one of the following Knowledge Base articles:

3.1.2) When configuring the VPN connection, go to the Tunnels tab and adjust the Local Networks and Remote Networks as follows:
