Versionen im Vergleich


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1) Configuration backup via LANconfig:

1.1) Select the access point in LANconfig, perform a rightclick and in the context menu select the option Configuration Management → Save as File

1.2. ) Save the configuration file in a folder of your choice.

2) Configuration backup via WEBconfig (as of LCOS LX 5.38):

Connent to the access point via WEBconfig, change to the tab Actions in the Dashboard and click Download configuration.

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3) Configuration backup via SCP:

3.1) Enter the command to download the configuration in an SCP client (e.g. the Windows command line interface) in the following format:

scp root@<IP-Adresse>:config <Datei-Pfad>\<Datei-Name> (in this example scp root@ C:\xxxxxxxx\Downloads\Backup\LX-6400.lcf)

3.2) Acknowledge the query Are you sure you want to continue connecting? by entering yes and pressing the <Enter key> afterwards.

3.3) Enter the password of the access point at the password prompt and press the <Enter key>.

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