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1) The LANCOM router establishes the Internet connection directly:


  • First port: Enter the port that should be forwarded.
  • Last port: Enter the port that should be forwarded. If several ports are to be forwarded, you can specify a higher port number here. All of the ports in this range will be forwarded.
  • Intranet address: Specify the WAN address of router 1 (in this example the 10.0.254).
  • Protocol: Select the protocol (TCP, UDP or TCP + UDP) from the drop-down menu.


After setting up port forwarding, it may be necessary to disconnect from the Internet so that the connection is re-established. This may be necessary if a port forwarding through a VPN tunnel is operated.

Proceed as follows to disconnect from the Internet:



For scenario 2 with two LANCOM routers, traces must be created on both devices. 

Using the LANtracer (in LANconfig) or from the command line, perform an IP router trace that filters for the local IP address (in this example and the port (in this example 46509):
