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The certificate module was updated in LCOS FX 10.7, therefore the corresponding menus differ compared to older LCOS FX versions. The configuration of a certificate-based IKEv2 connection between the Advanced VPN Client and a Unified Firewall as of LCOS FX 10.7 is described in the following article:

Setting up a certificate-based IKEv2 VPN connection between the LANCOM Advanced VPN Client and a LANCOM R&S®Unified Firewall (as of LCOS FX 10.7)


  • A company wants its sales representatives to have access to the corporate network via an IKEv2 client-to-site connection.
  • The notebooks used by the sales representatives have the LANCOM Advanced VPN Client installed on them.
  • The company headquarters has a Unified Firewall as a gateway with an Internet connection with the fixed public IP address
  • The local network at the headquarters has the IP address range
  • The VPN connection should be authenticated using certificates. The CA of the Unified Firewall is used.

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 2) The Unified Firewall is connected to the Internet via an upstream router:

  • A company wants its sales representatives to have access to the corporate network via an IKEv2 client-to-site connection.
  • The notebooks used by the sales representatives have the LANCOM Advanced VPN Client installed on them.
  • The company headquarters has a Unified Firewall as the gateway and an upstream router for the Internet connection. The router has the fixed public IP address
  • The local network at the headquarters has the IP address range
  • The VPN connection should be authenticated using certificates. The CA of the Unified Firewall is used.

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The setup for scenarios 1 and 2 are basically the same. Scenario 2 additionally requires port and protocol forwarding to be set up on the upstream router (see section 6).
