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Unlike previous client versions, version 4.60 Rel of the LANCOM Advanced VPN Client macOS does not include firewall functionality. Users who want to use this firewall functionality should - if possible - use the previous version 4.0 of the client.

LANCOM Trusted Access Client

Compatibility list Windows 11:

Windows 11 VersionSupported by the LANCOM Trusted Access Client as of VersionSupported by the LANCOM Trusted Access Client up to version 
Windows 11, 64 Bit (as of Version 21H2 up to version 23H2)as of Version 6.21 Rel Build 30745

Compatibility list Windows 10:

Windows 11 VersionSupported by the LANCOM Trusted Access Client as of VersionSupported by the LANCOM Trusted Access Client up to version 
Windows 10, 64 Bit (as of Version 21H2 up to version 23H2)as of Version 6.21 Rel Build 30745