Versionen im Vergleich


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Copy the ePaper template lcsconference_landscape.xsl and add this to the installation directory of the ePaper server (Default: C:\Program Files (x86)\LANCOM\WePD-Server) in the folder data → template.


Open the folder containing the Python scripts, open the context menu by right-clicking while holding down the <shift key>, and select Open PowerShell window here.


As an alternative you can also start a Powershell instance and navigate to the script folder.

3.1) Installing the Python modules for Office 365: 


Set the <> as the e-mail address of the Office 365 administrator account used in step 1.2.

3.4.2) In the web browser pop-up window, log into the Administrator account.


Set the <> as the e-mail address of the calender room mailbox.

3.6) Generating a token for authenticating the mailbox proxy:


3.6.3) Log in using the account for the calendar mailbox delegate.

3.6.4) After logging in, copy the link from the web browser.



The parameter -i stands for the update interval in minutes. In this example, the ePaper server searches for updates every 3 minutes. However, an update is only rolled out to the ePaper displays if there is actually a change.

You can use the Windows Task Scheduler to continuously run the update script.