Versionen im Vergleich


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If a member of the stack is exchanged, the network connected to the stack will be down while work continues. If all of the network participants require high availability, the entire cabling must be designed for redundancy.


If the stack is managed via the LANCOM Management Cloud (LMC), it counts as one device and is also displayed in this way. When exchanging a switch, the stack therefore must not be deleted from the LMC as this would affect all devices in the stack.

1) Preparations:

1.1) Save the running config of the stack master/manager as the start config:


1.3) Match the firmware of the replacement device to the firmware of the stack members:

We recommend that you match the firmware of the replacement device to the firmware used in the stack in advance. This cuts the time taken for its inclusion in the stack, which of course reduces the downtime.

As the switch with the higher MAC address becomes Stack Master / Manager, it is recommended to assign the role of Stack Master / Manager manually if the current Stack Master / Manager has to be exchanged. This prevents the new switch from becoming the Stack Master / Manager due to a higher MAC address.

1.3.1) Go to the menu Stacking → Base → Unit Configuration, modify the following parameters and click Submit:

  • Switch ID: Select a switch, which remains in the stack and is to be used as the Stack Master / Manager.
  • Admin Management Preference: In the dropdown menu select the option Preference 15. In doing so, the switch becomes the Stack Master / Manager.

If there are multiple switches with the Admin Management Preference 15, the switch with the higher MAC address becomes the Stack Master / Manager. Therefore you have to make sure, that this value is only assigned to the desired switch and all other devices have the default value Unassigned.

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1.3.2) Click on Save Configuration in the top right-hand corner to save the configuration as the start configuration.


The start configuration is retained even if the device is restarted or there is a power failure.

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1.3.3) Confirm your changes by clicking OK.

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1.4) Determine the board type used for the stack (XS-6128QF only):


2.4.1) Disconnect the device being replaced from the power supply. If the stack master/manager was exchanged, one of the stack members takes on the role of master/manager (if the Stack Master / Manager hasn't been assigned manually in step 1.3).

2.4.2) Disconnect the replacement device from the power supply. Some settings are only accepted correctly after a cold start. 



If the firmware of the replacement device was not adjusted to the firmware used in the stack in advance (see step 1.3), this process is carried out now. This can take several minutes. During this time, the new switch is shown in the menu Stacking → Base → Summary with status as the value Updating Code.
