Versionen im Vergleich


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10) In the “New value” column for Master, add the value "true" for the "Master" variable.Then click on Add.


16) In the “New value” column for Slave, add the value "true" for the "Slave" variable.Then click on Add.


If multiple VLANs are to be transmitted via the P2P connection, the two Add-ins P2P-Master and P2P-Slave have to be modiefiedmodified.

1) Go to the menu Add-ins and click on the Add-in P2P-Master.


  • In the pasted passage modify the commented out text, so that it includes information regarding the new VLAN.
  • In the pasted passage replace the previous name in the variable declaration (var) with a variable name for the new VLAN (in this example vlan1000).
  • In the pasted passage replace the previous variable name vlanDefault in all rows with the variable name of the new VLAN (in this example vlan1000).
  • Modify the name of the VLAN in the pasted passage (in this example VLAN1000).
  • Modify the VLAN ID in the pasted passage (in thios this example the VLAN 1000).
  • Enter the variable name of the new VLAN in the pasted string vlanNetworks.addOrMerge in the passage insert changes (in this example vlanNetworks.addOrMerge(vlan1000);).
