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A company’s local network is operated with LANCOM access points and switches and is managed by the LANCOM Management Cloud, with the exception of the gateway router:

  • A router from a different manufacturer is operated third-party router is used as a gateway, which , among other things, takes over the DHCP address assignment in the local network and also provides the Internet connection.
  • The gateway router is not managed by the LMC, but it is configured via VLAN so that it is located in the hotspot network and provides Internet access there.
  • A local network is available to all employees.
  • A LANCOM managed access switch is used as the central network component to which all other LANCOM devices are connected.
  • The existing LANCOM access points broadcast a Wi-Fi network with the SSID “Management”. This Wi-Fi can be used by all company employees.


  • An additional SSID should be broadcast by all access points (e.g. “HOTSPOT”).
  • The guest Wi-Fi should be in its own local network that has no access to the company's management network and that offers only Internet access to users.
  • There should be no communication between the Wi-Fi clients in the guest Wi-Fi.
  • The non-LMC-managed router should also take over the DHCP address assignment in the hotspot network.


1. Configuration steps on the gateway router:


  • In this example, we want the hotspot network to be assigned the local IP address range
  • The VLAN ID should be 999.

1.2) Make sure that the newly created local network is connected router also takes over the DHCP address assignment in the hotspot network and that you have a connection to the Internet in this network.

2. Configuration steps in the LMC:
