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In the case of Allowed VLANs, you can also specify non-contiguous ports by separating them with a comma (e.g. 1,3,5). You can also specify contiguous and non-contiguous ports in the same entry (e.g. 1,3,5-10).


Only the VLANs actually used must be entered for the Allowed VLANs, as otherwise this can lead to a dramatically increased CPU load of the switch. 

3) In the field Allowed Access VLANs enter all VLAN IDs, which are used by ports with the tagging mode Access (in this example the VLAN-IDs 1-3). 


In the case of Allowed Access VLANs, you can also specify non-contiguous ports by separating them with a comma (e.g. 1,3,5). You can also specify contiguous and non-contiguous ports in the same entry (e.g. 1,3,5-10).


Only VLAN IDs which are assigned to a port with the tagging mode   Access must be entered for the Allowed Access VLANs, as otherwise this can lead to a dramatically increased CPU load of the switch. 


4) After completing the VLAN configuration, click Apply to keep the changes.
