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This article describes how to change the dial-in address range for IKEv1 as well as IKEv2.


This description also applies to VPN clients of other manufacturers, which use the IKE Config Mode.



2. Adapt the dial-in address range to your needs via the First address and Last address.



Use IP addresses from a network configured locally in the router (e.g. INTRANET). 

The fields belonging to Name server addresses aren't related to the dial-in parameters, but these are global parameters!


1. Open the configuration of the router in LANconfig and go to the menu  VPN → IKEv2/IPSec → IPv4 addresses.


2. Edit the existing profile and adapt the dial-in address range to your needs via the First address and Last address


Use IP addresses from a network configured locally in the router (e.g. INTRANET).