Versionen im Vergleich


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  • Diese Zeile wurde entfernt.
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This document describes the information that needs to be collected in order for our Support to determine the cause of this behavior.

1) First, check which access point the Wi-Fi device is connecting to.
If this cannot be narrowed down to a single access point, the following steps must be performed on all of the potentially affected access points. 
2) In LANconfig, open the configuration dialog for the LANCOM access point and switch to the menu item Wireless LAN
-> Trace
→ Trace.
3) In the field Trace MAC, enter the MAC address of the Wi-Fi device (in the format 00:a0:57:12:34:56) that is unable to authenticate in the Wi-Fi. The first three octets correspond to the vendor ID.
The data that needs to be collected here includes the WLAN-STATUS trace, a number of status tables, and the WLAN-DATA trace. Depending on the amount of data in the Wi-Fi, this can take up a large amount of the access point’s RAM. Filtering for the trace MAC at the hardware level means that only the packets relating to this MAC address are stored.
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Creating the trace:
1) Start the LANtracer, connect to the affected access point and load the attached trace configuration into the trace module.
You can ignore any error messages regarding unsupported status tables and click on OK to confirm.
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The procedure for creating traces using a ready-made trace configuration is described in the following Knowledge-Base article:
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2) Filter the WLAN-STATUS Trace for the affected Wi-Fi device by entering its MAC address (00:a0:57:12:34:56) into the Filter field.
Only the WLAN-STATUS trace should be filtered in this scenario.
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3) Start the trace by clicking on the button with the green arrow and try to connect the device to the Wi-Fi.
4) Stop the trace by clicking on the button with the stop sign and save it.