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Before deactivating or restricting the ALGs, check whether your software is using any of the associated protocols. 

  • FTP: FTP is a popular protocol. Restricting the relevant ALG causes “Active FTP” to be prevented so that only “Passive FTP” is available.
  • 323: H.323 is out of date and should only be used in exceptional cases. As a rule, you can simply deactivate this ALG.
  • IRC: IRC can remain in use even after restricting the related ALG. The only thing that has to be prevented is the communication between two IRC clients via DCC.
  • SIP ALG: This ALG is used when a SIP telephone or a SIP PBX on the local network registers directly with a SIP provider on a remote network. The alternative is to use the Voice Call Manager. In this case the SIP phone or the SIP PBX registers with the LANCOM router and the latter registers with the SIP provider (this requires a VoIP router or the All-IP option).

