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Connect to the access point via the CLI (SSH), enter the following commands and  initiate initiate the firmware update via the LMC to record the error state. Save the output into a text file afterwards.



The traces can be stopped by entering the same command again (e.g. trace # lmc).

Analysis for LANCOM Switches switches with LCOS SX:

Erstellen Sie auf dem Switch LMC-Traces, wie in den folgenden Knowledge Base Artikeln beschrieben und initiieren das Firmware-Update über die LMC, um den Fehlerfall aufzuzeichnen.

Erstellen von LMC-Traces auf einem Switch der GS-23xx Serie

Create an LMC trace on the switch as described in the following Knowledge Base articles and initiate the firmware update via the LMC to record the error state. Save the output into a text file afterwards.

Creating an LMC trace on a GS-23xx series switch

Creating LMC traces on a GS-3xxx and XS as well as GS-45xx series switchErstellen von LMC-Traces auf Switches der GS-3xxx und XS- sowie GS-45xx Serien