
This document describes the new command-line parameters that are available when executing the file lanconf.exe or lanmon.exe as of version 8.84.


Syntax for LANconfig:

lanconf.exe /DevEdit:<IP address>:username:password,Protocols:4

  • The IP address is that of the LANCOM router to be accessed.
  • Under username & password you enter the credentials required to access the LANCOM router.
  • The parameter Protocols sets the method used to access the LANCOM router.
    • 1: TFTP
    • 2: HTTP
    • 4: HTTPS
    • 8: SSH
    • 256: Prefer checks via TFTP

lanconf.exe /DevEdit:,Protocols:4

Syntax for LANmonitor:

lanmon.exe <Parameter 1> <Parameter 2> <Parameter 3>

It is possible to specify one to three parameters when invoking the LANmonitor/WLANmonitor via the CLI.

The following parameters are supported:

  • /temp : Invoke a temporary LANmonitor/WLANmonitor instance.
  • /wlan : Invoke the WLANmonitor.
  • /add:<IP address> : Handover of the IP address of a device. Afterwards a login prompt is displayed in the LANmonitor/WLANmonitor. It can take some time, till the prompt is displayed.


lanmon.exe /temp /add: