
    This document describes how the LANCOM Advanced VPN Client for Windows is installed silently, i.e. no dialogs are displayed during the process.

    • Microsoft Windows as of version 8


    You need administrative rights on the Windows operating system to install the LANCOM Advanced VPN Client for Windows.

    1) Open the Windows command prompt .

    2) Change directory to the folder where the installation file for the LANCOM Advanced VPN Client for Windows is located.

    3) Enter the following command :

    <Name of installation file> /s /l< language_code > /v"/qn"

    • LC-Advanced-VPN-Client-Win-313-RU1-x86-64.exe /s /l1033< /v"/qn" (to install the VPN Client in English)
    • LC-Advanced-VPN-Client-Win-313-RU1-x86-64.exe /s /l1031< /v"/qn" (to install the VPN Client in German)


    You can use the <Name of installation file> /s /l< language_code > /v"/qn /norestart" command to prevent the system from rebooting automatically after installation.

    However, this is not recommended as the system restart is mandatory for the smooth operation of the Advanced VPN client.